The Fifth Chakra (also known as Vishudda or the Throat Chakra) is located in the area of the neck and shoulders and is represented by the color blue. The throat is such an essential part of communication and the vibration that resonates from it can be felt throughout the entire body.
This chakra helps you to find truth that is outside of all constraints and boundaries. The throat chakra helps you to express the true voice of your higher self and aids you in letting your personal truth be known.
Potential Signs of an Unbalanced Throat Chakra
Having an unbalanced (too little or too much energy) throat chakra may lead to having the following issues:
- Arrogance
- Talk too much
- Quiet
- Weak
- Can’t Express Thoughts
- Conflicted with Religious Upbringing
- Gossip
- Timid
- Swallows Feelings
- May be Afraid of Sex
- Manipulative
- Unreliable
- Devious
If you are feeling unbalanced in your throat chakra and would love to heal or just open up, here are some exercises and activities that you can do:
- Wear Blue
- Use Throat Chakra crystals
- Gargle with Salt Water
- Speak your Truth
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Rest your Throat
- Sing, Hum, Chant
- Lay on back and relax jaw, neck and throat
- Express yourself
- Journal
The throat chakra, or Vishudda is the voice of the body. It allows the other chakras to express their energy. Take the necessary time to make sure to keep your throat chakra balanced and open and by doing this you will be able to speak your truth, express your emotions and ideas to the world.