The Fifth Chakra (also known as Vishudda or the Throat Chakra) is located in the area of the neck and shoulders and is represented by the color blue. The throat is such an essential part of communication and the vibration that resonates from it can be felt throughout the entire body. Here are 5 powerful crystals that can help you keep an open and balanced throat chakra.
Aquamarine is known as being the most powerful crystal for vitalizing and cleansing the throat chakra. It helps with courage and making sure that you are communicating your truth. This crystal is great to use if you want to open and balance your throat chakra and boost your self-expression.
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate has a calming energy. This is a very powerful crystal for activating, healing and restoring balance to the throat chakra. It is said that this crystal is connected to celestial energies, which allows the flow of the highest metaphysical truths.
Azurite is primarily used for the third eye chakra, but can also be used to stimulate the throat chakra. If you have trouble communicating, Azurite can be helpful. Lay down in a comfortable position and place the crystal on the throat and allow its powerful energy to heal and soothe the area. It will provide you with support and help you voice your truth.
Turquoise is said to have mystical powers and was used by shamans, kings and warriors. The energy that it releases is gentle and provides you with protection while giving you the confidence that is needed to speak truthfully.
Blue Apatite
Blue Apatite is great for opening your throat chakra. This crystal also helps you with resonating with higher spiritual teaching and guidance. It encourages you in speaking your truth and shielding you from negativity that may result from that. This crystal helps you to deliver your message and is good for mental health.