The First Chakra (also known as Muladhara, the base, kundalini or root chakra) is located at the base of the spine. It is represented by the color “red”, which symbolizes vitality, strength, passion and instinct. This chakra is what grounds us in the physical world and helps to create a profound connection with the planet, your surroundings and your earthly body. The Root Chakra contains the Ogdoad Primordial 8 elements (Amen, Amenet, Nun, Nunuet, Kek, Kekhet, and Heh, Hehet = ANKH) that have all the knowledge of creation.
The root chakra gives the support needed for us to build our lives. It gives us the security and safety when exploring the different facets in life. It is our survival center where we dig in to this planet and have a base for our realities. Having a healthy well balanced root chakra is great for your confidence levels and provides you with a strong sense of security.
Potential Signs of an Unbalanced Root Chakra
Having an imbalanced (too little or too much energy) root chakra may lead to some of the following issues:
- Greed
- Lack of confidence
- Feeling unloved
- Weak-willed
- Little interest in sex
- Feelings of sexual inadequacy
- Dishonesty
- Addicted to self
- Domineering
- Addicted to wealth
- Scarcity mindset
- Fearful
- Violent
Ways to Balance Root Chakra Energy
If you are feeling imbalanced in your root chakra and would like to heal and balance it, here are some grounding exercises and activities that you can do:
- Connect with nature
- Dance
- Hug a tree
- Use Root Chakra crystals
- Take a shower or bath
- Cook
- Eat a sandwich
- Sing a song
- Meditate on the color red
- Perform reiki on yourself or have someone perform it on you
- Yoga positions and mudras that target the Root Chakra
- Use your pendulum over your Root Chakra area
When doing chakra energy work, it is important to focus on your Root Chakra since it serves as the foundation for the higher chakras. Having that strong foundation is needed for your continued elevation, transformation and ascension.