The Sixth Chakra (also known as Ajna, Brow or Third Eye Chakra) is located between the eyebrows where the third eye is located. The Third Eye Chakra is where your creativity is stimulated and also where your left and right brain is united. This allows you to create and manifest your dreams. It brings your ideas to fruition.
The energy of this chakra helps you to go inwards and receive counsel from your higher self. You are able to access hidden truths and to visualize what lies beyond consciousness.
Having an open Third Eye Chakra can lead you to experience lucid dreams, clairvoyance, telepathy, deeper insight and perception.
Potential Signs of an Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra
Having an imbalanced (too little or too much energy) Third Eye Chakra may lead to you having issues that could include the following behaviors and feelings:
- Egomaniac
- Mean
- Proud
- Doubts
- Envious
- Confused Thoughts
- Lack of Clarity
- Psychic Exhaustion
- Superstitious
- Worrier
- Fearful
- Oversensitive
- Ungracious
Ways to Balance Third Eye Chakra Energy
If you are feeling imbalanced in your Third Eye Chakra and would love to heal and activate that area, some of the following exercises and activities can help:
- Use Third Eye chakra crystals
- Sunshine
- Eat food high in Omega 3’s
- Eat Dark Chocolate
- Sound Bath
- Meditation
A balanced and open Third Eye Chakra allows you to be able to view both the spiritual and physical realms. Being able to unify these two realms can help you channel knowledge and better understand your life experiences.