The Sixth Chakra (also known as Ajna or the Third Eye Chakra) is located between the eyebrows where the third eye is located. The Third Eye Chakra is where your creativity is stimulated and your left and right brain are united. Activation in this area allows you to create and manifest your dreams. It brings your ideas to fruition. Here are 5 illuminating crystals that can help you keep an open and balanced Third Eye Chakra.
Iolite is a powerful choice for helping to open your third eye. It is a wonderful tool for visions, guidance, visualization and building a strong bond with your higher-self.
Amethyst is a reflective and soothing crystal that offers healing, wisdom and protection. It also functions in the celestial and physical planes to help you find peace and balance.
Sodalite is a crystal that vibrates powerfully with the third eye. It helps you to clarify things and see them in a more plausible way. Its great at relaxing the mind and allowing you to be open for spiritual guidance and intuition. If you are having troubles with self doubt and anxiety, Sodalite does a great job in helping you to build confidence and trust in yourself.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal that connects you to your higher-self and boosts your cerebral capabilities. It draws your attention to the Third Eye and stimulates your desire for truth, understanding and knowledge.
Labradorite is a powerful crystal that helps you achieve a deeper spiritual connection within. It helps to get rid of negative energy from your aura and protects you from energy vampires. If you are feeling low on energy, this crystal is great at giving you an extra boost. Using Labradorite with your third eye chakra will help to stimulate your spiritual and psychic gifts.